Monday, August 25, 2008


coffee on my taste buds
a lot of music tickling my ear drum
skin crawling with happy, sweet relief from the hot air
learning: new flower tricks, how to accept change and grow from it, what a good friend is, how important I am, what real trust feels like...
music music music music
waiting to find a good book
learning it's never too late to thicken relationships
progressing: in communication, as a human, in life, as a florist
forgetting about me, but remembering me when it matters
realizing i'm never going to have it all figured out, but how important it is to constantly SEEK
consistent spirituality,
good vibes, genuineness

Thursday, August 21, 2008

change at its best

The surprises never end and it's a good thing I can only see one step at a time. I'm experiencing change at its best.

It's funny that I continuously think I understand certain aspects of life, but then I find I am gently nudged by truly tasting each endeavor. I have to "seize the day" and embark on a new lesson learned. It's a time to embrace. I've faced emotions I had no clue I'd wear this year - the loss of someone so dear, extreme love, and now change. This day felt a little like New Year's Eve, like I'm on the edge of newness... that jittery feeling, almost scared, but more ecstatic for the thrill of something fresh. I can only look forward to what's to come. Lately, I have been jazzed with a huge symphony of positive energy. We are like magnets. It's better than chocolate, better than a good book, or a new hairstyle. The things I have thought would be terrible are really going to be the best things that could happen. A month is not long, "distance makes the heart grow fonder" and a career change is not something to dread. It's newness at its finest, appreciation and change and curiosity. I'm ready.