Saturday, December 29, 2007

"And I do believe it's true, that there are roads left in both of our shoes..."

I have this constant battle I continuously cannot stop fighting. I have said before in previous blogs that I have learned to pick my battles, but I re-read those blogs and question myself after having written such a thing. The aforementioned battle constantly weighs on my mind. OK, maybe not constantly, but more than I prefer. Don't expect any details because somehow I just don't feel like it's appropriate to express every last detail in a blog, forgive me? (It's just an invasion of privacy thing.) But I will express emotion and thought.

I realize daily, this battle, is so silly. So, so ridiculous. But with that said, I still can't shake it. Mostly because I need reassurance that this battle I'm fighting is merely worthless. It is a complete waste of time--this, I know. I wonder if anyone can relate, surely, to the fact of some battles just seem insurmountable. If surrender does not come first, and neither does victory, where does that leave me? Between a rock and a hard place. I don't like that place. I would love sweet relief from this agitating conflict within myself.

I probably blog too often, but it is therapeutic for me, as is driving and listening to endless amounts of good music, or organizing, or working out (an insight on my personality, here). Update: I will return to ACU this spring semester. Say a prayer. I'm not thrilled about the ACU community part, just the education part. In no offense to any of those who are employed there, or who attend there, or who graduated from there, that love it. I just have an apprehensive attitude about the place. My first two years were not my favorite. I know this time around will be impressively different though, so I will rest on that and aim for success. Slightly cheesy, I know (but true).

On another note, the year 2007 is nearly over (three days to be exact). I can't believe the words I just re-read, in question if I was really right. It is strange for me to think back on the year of '07. It is almost frightening how much I/things have changed drastically. It truly leaves me with my mouth wide open. And I am beginning to raise a speculative eyebrow at the year 2008. The mystery of the unknown leaves me anxiously excited. I have had thoughts of formulating a list of things from the year 2007, but that is overwhelming to me, so I will just move forward. OK,
I will say one thing about the year 2007; I have gained a best friend that is absolutely irreplaceable, and that is overwhelming--in a good sense of the word, not overwhelming in the event of a list. It leaves me speechless. It leaves me to leave you, reader. And here is my anthem for 2008:

"I want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me
And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel, feel what it's like to be new

Cause in my head there's a greyhound station
Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations
So they may have a chance of finding a place
where they're far more suited than here"

Death Cab for Cutie. Plans. "Soul Meets Body."

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