Saturday, December 29, 2007

the world as we know it, or don't

We have endless opportunities for success, or failure. We are given the right to freedom. We live in a world where it is so easy to believe in God, or so easy to not. We get the choice of selecting the wrong path and discover what "bad" decisions are, but fulfill that need for instant gratification. Or we can choose the path labeled: (insert name), and find the diamonds along the way.

Through the world's eyes we are either "somebody" or "nobody." Hollywood provides a disgusting, horrible example of living. Celebrities bring distorted images for young (or grown) girls and boys all over the world, only leading to extreme illnesses that are completely unnecessary. If not illnesses, inappropriate behaviors. With their influence, this is where individuality is lost. We are swayed one way or the other, to follow a complete strangers example, or to follow our own anomalous pathway. (Personally, I find this a thrill a minute; to be guided and discover.)

There is constant heartbreak in the world. That is often shown through broken families; two who were once in love, and then suddenly slipped away from that initial, intense chemistry. And on the other side of the fence we see a constant slide show of "the picture perfect life." A happily ever after tale of two who love with no end. Re-la-tion-ship: -noun 1. a connection, association, or involvement. see also: Dedication. Commitment. Understanding.
*A successful relationship is mutual submission.

We are informed from the first day of schooling that this is all to work our way to college; success comes from a college degree. If not, it comes from an exquisite personality, with unique skills attached. Or just an even break on a whim. We forget the real reason we were put on this earth in the first place: individuals. Where, how, and who raised us weighs heavily on who we become and what we believe. That is why we are individuals. Individuality is often lost because of poor influences or unfair circumstances. It's easier to take the carefree way. Instead we lose sight of the liberty of creating our own.
All over this giant world, there is injustice happening. And at the same time as injustice, there is indulgence. How is this just? But as the old song goes, "He's got the whole world in His hands" right?

I am saying all this with the view of the wider life, and I am listening with all my heart. As long as I am on this earth, I will seek passion and a purpose for living. I see no other way to live, but passionately. I see no other way than discovering truth, and what's real--furthermore, important.

And as for my world, it has been and still is, a world far from perfect. It is real, much like yours, I'm sure. I grew up in a loving family, where importance was placed on Christianity and good manners. We were taught to love others and be giving. My parents were and still are in love; never any sign of anything different. And as my childhood dissolved, and I entered my teenage years, I began the journey of discovering who I truly am. There were many hard days of fighting the need to feel accepted, misshapen self-image, and a sad heart when my sister left for college. And as those years passed, I made it to college where I began unveiling a completely new road. It quickly became a messy, rough road. I lost my way, and even though I was five minutes down the road from where I learned good living, my world was turned upside down. It spiraled into what I never saw coming and it took a year and a half to discover how unhappy I was. Which brought me to a few life savers, my family, the Ellison's, Danny, and my sweet Mitchell. Which brings me to the road labeled: Lindy. The best road I have traveled yet. Best, meaning real, satisfactory in a good way, true happiness (see previously posted blog One Voice; One Love), and hope. My world is guided and I walk with peace.

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