Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Freckles of Wonder

She is an incessant dreamer. The blank stare on her face is the daily gaze where she let's her soul swim. The chair she continually finds herself in is the chair that will one day turn into her dreams. She will no longer sit and dream, and a dream will no longer be called a dream. It will be reality.
She is a lover. It's what she knows how to do best. Her heart is ever so sensitive. She is a listener and an observer. She grows from her sensitivity to the world around her. She desires to match her words and her actions in a consistent fashion.
She fell for the one with blue eyes and a large heart. She never knew what real love was until he came along. It is not always easy, but it is always worth it. It is fragile and beautiful.
She likes a sunny day and freshly painted nails. She likes a large cup of coffee in her hand at any time of the day, iced or hot. She likes learning --through a book, a movie, a friend, a performance. She likes to seek spirituality. She loves to love her family. Dancing replaces her loss for words. She has little freckles of wonder. This 'wonder' for discovery and need for a daily passionate life. She'll never stop wondering. She is full of hope and excitement for each day to come. She will have freckles forever.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd love to meet this person. She sounds wonderful!